Learning in the digital world (2025)

In 2025, the innovative domain learning in the digital world will be part of the PISA study for the first time. This domain will examine the competence of 15-year-old students to actively shape their own learning in the digital age.

Advancing digitization increasingly requires the competent use of computer models, simulated realities and problem solving with the support of digital tools. Competencies in this area are a prerequisite for the future job market and helpful for lifelong learning.

Learning in the digital world assesses students' ability to master knowledge-building processes in a simulated digital learning environment. Computer-based methods are available to assist in this process.

The focus of learning in the digital world in PISA is on two competence areas that are essential for learning with digital tools and technologies:

  •  self-regulated learning, which is defined as the ones capacity to control one’s own metacognitive, cognitive, motivation, affect, and behavior; and
  • computational and scientific inquiry practices, define the competence in using digital tools, exploring systems, visualizing concepts and solving problems with computational logic.

In the PISA study, students have to decide for themselves how much time they spend on the different subtasks in a digital learning environment. Digital tools are used to solve complex problems (e.g., by modeling) while students can monitor and evaluate their own progress. Furthermore, learning resources such as tutorials or worked examples are provided to assist them. In addition, students receive adaptive feedback on their learning progress.