PISA 2022
The PISA 2022 surveys took place in the spring of 2022, four years after the previous assessment in 2018, delayed due to the pandemic. As in the previous cycles, a representative sample of all 15-year-old students completed assignments on mathematical, scientific and reading competences on the computer. After 2003 and 2012, mathematics is again the main domain in this survey. After reading literacy in 2018, mathematical competence will also be tested adaptively in 2022. For more information on the revision of the contents of mathematical competence, see competence domains. In addition, as an innovative domain, the creative thinking of students will be tested.
In addition, like in previous cycles, students learning environment is captured by questionnaires filled out by the students themselves, their parents, teachers, and school principals.
The steps in the preparation, survey, and analysis of PISA 2022 that we are currently working on can be found under Milestones PISA 2022. In addition, we provide further information on the completed milestones under detailed information.