Detailed Information about the PISA 2025 milestones

We expect the official reviews of the items for PISA 2025 to take place in the fall of 2022, but we have already had the opportunity to examine drafts of the items for the innovative domain of Learning in the Digital World. In this pre-review, we assessed the quality as well as the suitability for German students of a total of nine task units. We are also very grateful for the evaluation of Prof. Dr. Frank Goldhammer and his team. Prof. Goldhammer not only leads the additional LDW study accompanying PISA 2022, but is also a member of the international expert group for this domain.

After 2006 and 2015, science literacy is again the major domain in 2025. This is always accompanied by a revision of the framework. To assess the new frameworks curricular validity, we sought the expertise of the following individuals:

Prof. Marcus Hammann (Didactics of Biology, University of Münster).

Prof. Ute Harms (Didactics of Biology, IPN Kiel)

Prof. Alexander Kauertz (Didactics of Physics, University of Koblenz-Landau)

Prof. Knut Neumann (Didactics of Physics, IPN Kiel)

Prof. Mathias Ropohl (Didactics of Chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen)

Prof. Mirjam Steffensky (Didactics of Chemistry, University of Hamburg)

We would like to thank these experts very much for their evaluation.